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How To Increase Organic Traffic On Ecommerce Website

November 10, 2021

Spids Indiaa

Do you face difficulty in pulling the consumers towards your online store? Improved sales are one of the positive signs of how well your business performs. However, it should be kept in mind that there are plenty of options for customers. It is cutthroat competition. It means you should be extremely visible to the searchers. Hence you should think about driving organic traffic through an SEO company in Chennai.

Improved organic traffic tends to translate into sales. Now you would like to know how to increase organic traffic on your e-commerce website. Without making a further delay, let us jump into how to boost the organic traffic of your e-commerce website here.

Importance Of Organic Traffic For Ecommerce Websites

So, what is organic traffic? If visitors land on the desired website through Google search results pages (SERPs), not through paid traffic, it is organic traffic.

Have you ever thought about when you can earn traffic through paid ads, what’s the importance of organic traffic? No doubt that the obvious advantage of paid traffic is immediate results. Still, the major difference between the options of organic and paid traffic lies in its consistency.

For a number of reasons, businesses like to rank as high as possible on search results. In addition, they like to go ahead of the competition. Henceforth, it becomes essential to target organic traffic to rank higher than their competitors.

Do you know? The majority of people use search engines to make their buying decisions. As you know, Google with nearly 92% of the search engine market is the most used search engine all over the world.

One of the best solutions that have worked perfectly for increasing organic traffic is SEO. So, now you got why you should think about increasing organic traffic on e-commerce websites, right?

It’s very simple, improving organic search results through SEO is a cost-effective way for your online store to gain long-term results. Shall we move on to how to drive such organic traffic to your site?

Tips To Gain Organic Traffic To Your Online Store

Optimize Keywords

An important step in increasing organic traffic is finding and optimizing the right keywords. These are the phrases that the target group of people uses to find your business. Therefore, for higher ranking, you should use well-researched and optimized ones.

How to do this optimization? Make use of keyword research tools such as Keyword Planner and SEMrush. Figure out the most relevant keywords related to your brand. In addition, consider choosing high volume and low competition phrases.

Include such keywords in:

However, remember, you shouldn’t overstuff them

Build Quality Content

Consistent, relevant, high-quality, and engaging content strategy is a key for driving traffic. Moreover, it helps in influencing the buying decision of visitors. However, key below things in consideration, while writing content.

If you have high-quality content on the site, then you can rank higher on Google. This means you get a good probability of increasing organic traffic on e-commerce websites.

Focus on Page Speed

Website page speed plays an important role in delivering the best possible user experiences. Furthermore, it is very vital for significant SEO results. Google has already announced page speed as one of the ranking factors. Check your site whether it has optimal speed. Else start working on increasing organic traffic on e-Commerce websites. So, what’s the right speed for web pages?

It should be within 3 seconds. Reports say that nearly 52% of users leave a site that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Slow loading pages can cost you a loss of sales.

Consider Mobile Experience

It is high time to consider optimizing your online store for mobile devices. Focusing your e-commerce store only on desktops will lead to poor experiences of users on other devices. If you like to grab a huge group audience sticking to small screens, optimize your store for mobile-friendly experiences.

Remember shopping can happen anywhere and anytime, not only on the desktops. Almost half of the users access your store from their mobile devices. Hence by providing them with good user experiences you can increase organic traffic on e-commerce websites.

Work on Broken Links

Do you have any expired products or seasonal items or moved content? Ensure your visitors don’t end up with any “404 Not Found page” error due to these issues. Such broken links are dangerous to SEO ranking. Furthermore, they hurt user experiences.

Redirect such links with a 301 redirect. This 301 redirect will help in preserving the previous page scores. Moreover, it also helps the search engines to know where the content has moved. Overall, you can help in SEO efforts.

Focus on Detailed Product Descriptions

Detailed product descriptions – it is one of the proven ways for how to increase organic traffic on an e-commerce website. While writing the product descriptions, you should compellingly consider all its benefits and features. However, remember, you should craft the content for humans, not for the sake of search engines.

Those products with low consumer awareness may require emphasis on detailed content. As a result, unique and high-quality content will receive a favorable ranking from Google.

Start Blogging

Don’t you have a blog in your online store? Then you should create one. Blogging is an excellent place to post relevant content on a constant basis. The number of web pages is a crucial element to drive organic traffic. With a log section on your site, you can increase the number of pages. This is because every blog post will be considered a new page.

Driving organic traffic and increasing your online store can be challenging. However, if you use the above-proven methods of increasing organic traffic on e-commerce websites, you can bring more visitors. In addition to the above strategies, don’t forget to use the power of social media platforms to grow your store.